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Na sopstveni pogon - BIGZ


Na sopstveni pogon - BIGZ

BIGZ KULTURNI CENTAR osnovan je u januaru 2011. sa ciljem da okuplja umetnike iz različitih polja i promoviše njihov rad, sa posebnim osvrtom na intergaciju ugroženih i diskriminisanih društvenih i kulturoloških podgrupa u šire društvo.

BIGZ KC funkcioniše kao javni atelje koji omogućava umetnicima da stvaraju, istražuju i međusobno sarađuju.

Jedna od osnovnih aktivnosti centra je razvijanje nezavisne pozorišne scene kroz stručne radionice i produkcije. Cilj nam je da obezbedimo mesto gde će se različite trupe i pojedinci, različitih umetničkih (estetskih i tehničkih) pristupa, sretati, razmenjivati i obogaćivati svoja iskustva, gde će zajedno raditi i unapređivati svoja znanja i veštine.

Tokom godinu dana rada u KC BIGZ-u su stvarali: "Mapa balkon" (treninzi i javne radionice), "Kvaka" (priprema performansa), umetnička grupa “Bela senka”, plesna grupa brejkdensa "Recognize crew“, grupa umetnika za pripreme i snimanje srednjemetražnog plesnog filma "Feniksov san", za pripreme i snimanja animiranog dela fima "Heroji i bubice“, kao i pojedini umetnici za potrebe slikarskog ateljea, muzičkih probi i sl. Takođe smo uspostavili saradnju sa ekipom emisije "Ja imam talenat“ koji su prostor koristili za uvežbavanje nastupa finalista emisije.

Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 17/3
t: +381 11 3690981, +381 60 857 8821
e: kc.bigz@gmail.com
w: www.kcbigz.tk


Svetlo na zidu


Heroji i bubice

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BIGZ Culture Center was established in January 2011. with the aim to bring together artists from various fields and promote their work, with special focus to stimulate integration of  threatened and discriminated social and cultural subgroups in the wider society.

BIGZ KC is a public studio which allows artists to create, innovate and cooperate with each other.

One of the main activities of the center is to develop an independent theater scene through professional  workshops and productions. Our goal is to provide a space where the various troupes and individuals, various art (aesthetic and technical) approach, meet, share and enrich their experiences, where they will work together and improve their knowledge and skills.

During a year of work, KC BIGZ hosted many groups and individual artists and meanwhile has been used for numerous purposes: for practicing and public workshops of the physical theatre “Mapa balkon”, for preparations of the performance of physical theatre “Kvaka” as well as art group “Bela senka“, for workouts of the breakdance group “Recognize crew”, for preparing and shooting experimental dance movie called “Phoenix’s dream”, for creating studio-version of animated part of the movie called “Bubice I heroji/Beetles and Heroes”, as well as individual artists for artistic studios, music rehearsal and similar. We also established cooperation with the team that is responsible for making the show “I’ve Got Talent”, since they used our space for their finalists to rehearse their performances before the final tv appearance.

Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 17/3
t: +381 11 3690981, +381 60 857 8821
e: kc.bigz@gmail.com
w: www.kcbigz.tk

02.12.2024 | 22:06

VOĐENJE: Ana Knežević - Geometrija praznine

Nema umetnosti bez eksperimenta, stav je umetnice Ane Knežević, koji je dokazala na delu izložbom "Geometrija praznine" u Salonu Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu, čiji je katalog nedavno objavljen, a jedan od predstavljenih r