Andrey Timofeev: It is impossible to continue life in Russia
Andrey Timofeev, a violinist, is residing temporarily in Belgrade for months now. He arrived from Vienna after leaving Russia for starting its invasion on...
Andrey Timofeev, a violinist, is residing temporarily in Belgrade for months now. He arrived from Vienna after leaving Russia for starting its invasion on...
The Small Art Center of Zemun (ZMUC), after many years of implementation of the Regional Program Mobile Residency, became, after the beginning of the Russian war in...
Vadim Zakharov, artist from Russia, who has been living and working in Berlin for years, strongly condemned the Russian invasion on Ukraine, which he publicly displayed by...
Der seit Jahren in Berlin lebende und arbeitende Künstler Vadim Zakharov aus Russland verurteilt scharf die russische Invasion in der Ukraine, was Er auch mit...
Russian director and screenwriter Aleksandar Sokurov, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the 28th Author's Film Festival (FAF), presented the film "...
Der Beginn der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine, nach einer zweijährigen Pandemiekrise, die die ansonsten fragile Kulturszene in der Region erschütterte, erfuhr praktisch...
The beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after a two-year pandemic crisis that shook the otherwise fragile cultural scene in the region, experienced practically...
Die Vereinigung Krokodil ist eine der wenigen Organisationen in Serbien und in der Region, die sich aktiv an der Unterstützung der Bürger der Ukraine unter Kriegsbedingungen...
The Crocodile Association is one of the few organizations in Serbia, and in the region, which actively participated in supporting the citizens of Ukraine in wartime conditions...
The Crocodile Association dedicated its residency program for writers, which it has been implementing since 2012, to literary artists from Ukraine - as a sign of support for...
Nema umetnosti bez eksperimenta, stav je umetnice Ane Knežević, koji je dokazala na delu izložbom "Geometrija praznine" u Salonu Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Beogradu, čiji je katalog nedavno objavljen, a jedan od predstavljenih r